Master Surface Water Management Plan

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As part of Osceola County’s Comprehensive Plan, a Master Surface Water Management Plan (MSWMP) is required to be updated every five years. The purpose of this study is to update the 2014 Master Surface Water Management Plan (2014 Plan) and to assist the COUNTY with complex water supply, water quality, and water management issues to be compliant with the COUNTY’s Comprehensive Plan. The study to be completed by CDM Smith, Inc. is for the whole County inside and outside the Urban Growth Boundary. The study includes the collection, review and analysis of current surface water data and documentation; water quality data evaluations; developing a surface water model for flooding improvement projects; and ultimately developing a Master Surface Water Management Plan.

As part of Osceola County’s Comprehensive Plan, a Master Surface Water Management Plan (MSWMP) is required to be updated every five years. The purpose of this study is to update the 2014 Master Surface Water Management Plan (2014 Plan) and to assist the COUNTY with complex water supply, water quality, and water management issues to be compliant with the COUNTY’s Comprehensive Plan. The study to be completed by CDM Smith, Inc. is for the whole County inside and outside the Urban Growth Boundary. The study includes the collection, review and analysis of current surface water data and documentation; water quality data evaluations; developing a surface water model for flooding improvement projects; and ultimately developing a Master Surface Water Management Plan.

Page published: 09 May 2024, 08:42 AM